The Gatherer cards

Light!SpecialSkill1Gain 7 (10) Block. Draw a card. Increase the damage of all Shadow! in your hand by 8 (11).
Shadow!SpecialAttack1Deal 8 (11) damage. Draw a card. Increase the Block of all Light! in your hand by 7 (10).
ThrowerSpecialAttack0Ethereal. Deal damage equal to the remaining Block at the start of this turn (+2). Exhaust. (Deals 0 (2) damage.)
GlitchedCommonStatus3Retain. Exhaust. While in your hand, []Upgrade Bag's power is disabled.
CentralizeBasicSkill1Fetch 2 cards from your draw pile. gatherer:Once: (gatherer:Twice:) Upgrade 2 random cards in hand; Fetched cards get priority.
DefendBasicSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block.
Flower WhipBasicAttack0Deal 3 (4) damage 2 times. Can be Upgraded 3 (2 more) times.
StrikeBasicAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage.
Spare Bottle SpecialPower1Whenever you use a Potion, gain 4 (6) Block and deal 4 (6) damage to a random enemy.
Acidic SprayCommonAttack1Deal 4 (6) damage. Deal 4 (6) damage for each debuff on the target. Apply 1 (2) Weak.
Aroma ProtectionCommonSkill1Gain 12 (16) Block. Add a Dazed into your discard pile.
Bambu SwordCommonAttack1Deal 8 (11) damage. Play a []Strike or Defend from your hand with no cost.
Careful StrikeCommonAttack1Deal 11 (15) damage. Put up to 1 card on top of your draw pile.
Collector's ShotCommonAttack2Deal damage equal to 1.5 (2) times the number of gatherer:Unique cards with no duplicates in your deck.
ConvertCommonSkill1 (0)Exhaust a card. If it is Uncommon, gain 25 Block. If it is Rare, gain 35 Block.
Drug PowerCommonAttack2Deal 14 (18) damage. If you used a Potion this turn, gain the effect of the last used Potion.
Energy BasketCommonSkill2Gain 2 (3) gatherer:Lesser Energy Potions. Retain. Exhaust.
Flower FallingCommonAttack1Deal 14 (18) damage. Exhaust. Can be Upgraded 3 (2 more) times.
Flower ShieldCommonSkill1Gain 8 (11) Block. Can be Upgraded 3 (2 more) times.
Fragile HammerCommonAttack1Deal 8 (11) damage. Deal 12 (16) damage to a random enemy other than the target.
FrenzyCommonAttack1Deal 9 (12) damage. Apply 2 (3) Vulnerable. Add a Dazed into your discard pile.
Gather MaterialCommonSkill1Put 3 (4) random cards from your draw pile into your hand. Prioritizes cards not already in your hand.
Potential SlashCommonAttack2Deal damage equal to 8 (14) + half of your missing HP.
Quick SynthesisCommonSkill0(Draw 1 card.)Gain 1 random gatherer:Lesser gatherer:Potion. Exhaust.
Save ValuablesCommonSkill0Choose up to 3 (5) cards from your discard pile. Shuffle them into your draw pile.
Scherry ThrowCommonAttack0Deal 3 (6) damage. Next turn, gain [E].
SnatchCommonAttack1Deal 8 (10) Damage. gatherer:Once: (gatherer:Twice:) Gain a random gatherer:Lesser gatherer:Potion.
Tactical StrikeCommonAttack1Deal 7 damage. Draw 2 cards.(Gain 2 Strength until end of turn.)
Tree GrowthCommonSkill1Next turn, gain 5 (7) Block. Gain 10 (14) Block 2 turns later.
Wool GlovesCommonSkill1Gain 8 (11) Block. gatherer:Once: (gatherer:Twice:) Draw 3 cards, then discard 3 cards.
Alchemy TrialUncommonPower1 (0)Whenever you play 10 cards, gain a gatherer:Lesser gatherer:Potion depending on the 10th card played.
Balanced GrowthUncommonPower1At the start of your turn, gain up to 1 (2) Strength or Dexterity until they are equal.
Big PouchUncommonSkill1Draw 2 (3) Cards. Gain Block equal to the total cost of your cards in hand.
Duality UncommonAttack2Deal 18 (22) damage. Retain. When Retained, its tag switches between and .
DuplicatorUncommonSkill2Gain effects of all your gatherer:Lesser gatherer:Potions. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Echo of NatureUncommonAttackXGain 3 (4) Block X times. Deal 4 (6) Damage X times.
EnchantUncommonSkill0Choose a Strike in your hand to give it Cost + 1, Damage + 14 (18) and boosts special effect if it has.
Feeling FineUncommonPower1 (0)Whenever you use 3 Potions in a turn, remove all of your debuffs.
Flower BeamUncommonAttack2Deal 8 (10) damage to the target, then deal 8 (10) damage to ALL enemies. Can be Upgraded 3 (2 more) times.
Flower PowerUncommonPower1Gain 2 Weak, Frail, (not, Frail,)and Vulnerable (Frail). At the start of your turn, Draw 2 cards. Can be Upgraded 3 (2 more) times.
Fruit ForceUncommonAttack1Deal damage equal to 15 (20) % of your Max HP. When obtained, raise your Max HP by 4.
Glowing PlantUncommonSkill0Scry 4 (6). When obtained, add a Light! and a Shadow! to your deck.
HerbalismUncommonSkill1 (0)Gain [E] for each card in your hand that costs 2 or more.
LiquidismUncommonPower2 (1)Whenever you use a Potion, gain 1 Strength or Dexterity randomly.
Mining StrikeUncommonAttack1Deal 10 (13) damage. For every 10 (8) unblocked damage, gain 1 Plated Armor.
MisfortuneUncommonAttack0Deal 3 (4) damage. Gain up to 1 (2) gatherer:Lesser gatherer:Potion(s) with debuff effect that the enemy already has.
NutrientsUncommonSkill2Gain 12 (16) Block. When obtained, Upgrade ALL your gatherer:Flower cards.
Odd SpoilsUncommonAttack1Deal 9 (12) damage. Add 1 (2) random card(s) not in your deck to your discard pile. It costs (They cost) 0 until played.
PolluteUncommonSkill1Next turn, apply 2 (3) Poison, Weak and Vulnerable to ALL enemies.
PolymorphismUncommonAttack1Deal damage equal to number of other cards in your hand. If they are all gatherer:Unique, gain [E] and draw 1 (2) card(s).
Recipe ChangeUncommonSkill1 (0)Choose 1 from ALL gatherer:Lesser gatherer:Potions. Replace all your gatherer:Lesser gatherer:Potions with it. Exhaust.
Recovery HerbUncommonSkill1 (0)Considered as using a Potion. Heal 10 % of your missing HP. Exhaust.
Rotten StipeUncommonAttack1Deal ? damage. Apply ?. (Each Rotten Stipe has randomly chosen damage and debuff.)
Scent of RosmariUncommonSkill1Gain 7 (9) Block. Choose 2 (3) cards to Retain. If they end up discarded, return them to your hand next turn.
Scroll Of WallUncommonSkillUnplayable. Use a Potion to Retain this turn. All incoming Statuses are Exhausted (and give 1 Plated Armor).
Sealed BombUncommonAttack7 (6)Deal 50 (60) damage. While in your hand, using a Potion decreases its cost by 1 this combat.
Smart ManeuverUncommonSkill2Enemy deals half damage this turn. Gain a gatherer:Lesser Swift Potion.(Retain.)
SolidifyUncommonSkill1Repeat until your Sack is full: Spend 5 (4) Block to gain a gatherer:Lesser Block Potion.
TransmuteUncommonSkill1Transform a card from your hand. It (is Upgraded and) costs 0 this turn.
Upgrade BagUncommonPower2Shuffle (Add) a Glitched (*Glitched+) in your draw (discard) pile. Your gatherer:Lesser gatherer:Potions are 100% more potent.
UpliftUncommonPower1Each turn, the first (!M!) card(s) you play that costs (cost) 2 or more has (have) Refund 1.
Venom BarrierUncommonSkill2Gain 10 (14) Block. Whenever you are attacked this turn, apply 3 Poison to the attacker.
Withering StrikeUncommonAttack1Deal 7 (10) damage. Enemy loses 1 Strength.
Black TeaRareSkill1Gain 3 (4) Strength. Lose 1 Dexterity. Startup: Gain a random gatherer:Lesser gatherer:Potion.
Bomber FormRarePower3At the start of your turn, gain a gatherer:LEP. All future gatherer:Lesser gatherer:Potions become gatherer:LEP and raise all gatherer:LEPs' damage by 1 (2) when used.
BulldozeRareAttack1Deal 10 damage to ALL enemies for every 4 (3) gatherer:Unique cards in your discard pile.
Colorful GardenRarePower1(Innate.)At the end of your turn, gain 1 Block per gatherer:Unique card you played this turn.
Cursed BladeRareAttack2Deal 30 (35) damage. gatherer:Once: (gatherer:Twice:) Enemy loses 15 Strength this turn. When obtained, become Cursed-Normality.
ExamineRareSkill1Look at the top 3 (5) cards of your draw pile. Play one and discard others.
Finishing StrikeRareAttack1Deal 12 (16) damage. If the enemy has less HP than you, hit 2 times instead.
Flaming BottleRareAttack2Deal 14 (20) damage. Gain a gatherer:Lesser Fire Potion.
Grow BookRareSkill0Gain 7 (10) Block, or permanently replace this with 1 of 3 (Upgraded) cards from other color. Exhaust.
Heart to FruitRareAttack2Deal 17 (22) damage. If Fatal, raise your Max HP by 3 (4). Exhaust.
Lucky CloverRarePower2 (1)Gain 1 Dexterity for each gatherer:Flower cards in your deck.
Mind SearchRareSkill1Choose 2 out of 4 gatherer:Lesser gatherer:Potions to gain with the (great) help of Gatherer's thought. (Retain.) Exhaust.
OverflowingRareSkill0Gain [E] [E] [E]. (Energy is conserved for the next turn.)Exhaust.
PhotoscytheRareAttack1Innate. Upgrade ALL your gatherer:Flower cards for the combat. Deal damage equal to 3 (4) X number of them. Exhaust.
Poison MasteryRarePower1(Innate.)Gain a gatherer:Lesser Poison Potion. Poison damage is increased by 100%.
Scroll of PurityRareSkillUnplayable. Whenever you use a Potion, draw 1 (2) card(s) and Exhaust up to 1 (2) card(s).
Stone FenceRarePower1At the start of your turn, add 1 Thrower (*Thrower+) to your hand.

The Gatherer relics

Alchemy BagStarterGatherer_limeAt the start of each combat, gain a random gatherer:Lesser Potion.A mysterious bag with the power of recurring potions.
Mist GeneratorCommonGatherer_limeThe amount of enemy's Poison is not reduced each turn if 8 or less.The mist can be deadly for some creatures.
Floral EggUncommonGatherer_limeUpon pick up, upgrade ALL your gatherer:Flower cards. Whenever you add a gatherer:Flower card to your deck, it is Upgraded.Eggs like flowers. Or they are eggs like flowers.
Flying FruitUncommonGatherer_limeWhen you Exhaust1/3/6/10gatherer:Unique cards after picking this up, raise your Max HP by 4.Fruit flies like a banana.
LeftoversRareGatherer_limeEvery time you use 4 Potions in a combat, gain a random gatherer:Lesser Potion.How alchemists make new material from leftovers is a mystery.
Explorer's PathBossGatherer_limeGain [E] at the start of your turn for the next 3 combats. You can now see the pick ratio of cards in the reward screen. Choose the lowest-picked card to gain [E] for 1 more combat. Synergy: Question CardSometimes it's worth to explore the worst path.
Miracle BagBossGatherer_limeReplaces AlchemyBag. Upon pickup, gain 1 regular Potion Slot. At the start of each combat, obtain a rare Potion to your regular Potion Slot.Created with forbidden technology.

The Gatherer keywords

Alchemy TrialAttack - Lesser Fire or Explosive Potion Skill - Lesser Block or Energy Potion Power - Lesser Strength or Dexterity Potion Other - Lesser Weak or Fear Potion
When StackedIf you play multiple BomberForms, damage boost is stacked but you only get 1 LEP per turn.
Card RarityUncommon = Blue Banner Rare = Gold Banner
gatherer:flowerCard containing Flower in its name. It can be upgraded 3 times, where 3rd upgrade is special.
3rd Upgrade3rd Upgrade makes this cost 1 instead of increasing damage.
3rd Upgrade3rd Upgrade makes this cost 0 and heal 4 HP instead of increasing damage.
3rd Upgrade3rd Upgrade makes this cost 0 in addition to removing a debuff.
3rd Upgrade3rd Upgrade makes this cost 0 instead of increasing Block.
3rd Upgrade3rd Upgrade makes this attack 3 times in addition to damage increase.
Glow PowerBoosts the effect of Light! and Shadow.
Ironclad CardsChoose 1 from Armaments, Havoc or Twin Strike. Feed is added to the list if upgraded.
Silent CardsChoose 1 from Choke, Well-Laid Plans or Poisoned Stab. Alchemize is added to the list if upgraded.
Defect CardsChoose 1 from Stack, Steam Barrier or All for one. Seek is added to the list if upgraded.
LEPStands for Lesser Explosive Potion, which normally deals 6 damage to all enemies.
Lesser PotionA "Lesser" version of regular potion which is gained to your Sack.
Lesser Block PotionA LesserPotion which gains 8 Block when used.
Lesser Energy PotionA LesserPotion which gives you 1 energy when used.
Lesser Fear PotionA LesserPotion which applies 2 Vulnerable to an enemy.
Lesser Fire PotionA LesserPotion which deals 10 damage to an enemy.
Lesser Poison PotionA LesserPotion which applies 4 Poison to an enemy.
Lesser Swift PotionA LesserPotion which draws 2 cards when used.
Lesser Weak PotionA LesserPotion which applies 2 Weak to an enemy.
OnceOnly activates when you play this card first time in the combat.
TwiceOnly activates for the first two times you play this card in combat. Becomes Once after one use.
gatherer:uniqueCards with different name (except for upgrades) are considered unique.

The Gatherer creatures

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